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Payments, Shipping & BillingUpdated 7 months ago

How quickly will my subscription order ship?

Subscription orders ship within 24 hours of being placed or renewed. Sometimes, they even ship on the same day they are placed! 

How do I update my subscription payment method?

Update your subscription payment method through your subscription account settings under “Payment Methods" on the left side of the subscription page, or by clicking "Update Info". Once you click the "Update Payment Method" button, you will be emailed a secure link where you can input your new credit card info. Here is a short video showing you how to do this. 

** Please note, if you have more than 1 subscription, and you want the updated payment method to apply to all, you will need to click the "Set to All Subscriptions" button in the "Payment Methods" section, after you have updated your credit card info. 

How often will I be billed for my subscription?

Subscriptions are billed on a 4, 6 or 8 week cadence, depending on the date you initially subscribed and the frequency you select. Here is a short video showing you how you can update your frequency in your subscription dashboard if you wish to change it. 

What happens if my subscription payment fails?

If your subscription payment fails, you’ll be notified by email and asked to update your payment method.

What happens if I want to modify my shipping or billing address on my subscription? 

You can update your shipping and billing info by clicking the green "Update My Info" button, located below the rotating carousel of products.   HERE is a short video showing you how

What happens if my subscription is renewed with the wrong shipping address?

You will receive a reminder email about your subscription getting ready to renew 5 days in advance of its renewal date, so you have time to make any changes if needed. We highly encourage you to always visit your subscription and double-check things when you receive this email. Please ensure [email protected] is on your approved senders list so you receive these emails. Once an order is renewed, they are very hard to make changes to though we will do our best to try. Subscription orders ship out within 24 hours of renewal, Sunday - Friday. Once our warehouse has the order on the warehouse floor, we are unable to make changes.

If you've recently moved, we highly encourage you to sign up for mail forwarding through USPS, so your delivery ends up making it to you, should the wrong address be tied to your subscription. 

If you have any questions, you can always reach out to [email protected] for help!

What happens if I do not want my subscription order that was renewed?

You need to contact UCAN as soon as possible.  Subscription orders ship out within 24 hours Sunday - Friday.  We do our best when someone reaches out wanting to cancel a renewal to try and stop it, but once it is on the warehouse floor and has tracking assigned to it, there is nothing we can do.  If you do not want your subscription order, you can refuse the shipment upon delivery or we can send a return shipping label and we will deduct the cost of the return shipment from your refund.  Please reach out to [email protected] for further assistance here. 

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